Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Review Sanggar Rias 2014:Ratu Wedding, Ine Andriane, Sanggar Hasina, RMVR dll

Hellow yow yow yow!

Banyak hal yang terjadi selama masa-masa galau menentukan konsep pernikahan. salah satunya sanggar rias. you want to look beautiful at least for one day in your wedding day. yaiyalah! So memilih vendor rias adalah PR yang menyiksa banget. Sekedar mengingatkan, nanti aku ngga pakai adat alias nasional, biar gampang :)

1. Ratu Wedding 
Sanggar pertama yang didatengin karena rekomendasi temen. Pas dateng pertama, dilayanin dengan ramah, tapi agak merasa tertipu karena di website dijelaskan paket sudah termasuk baju resepsi. Ternyata sampai sana dijelaskan kalau baju resepsi belum termasuk. JRENG. Dan sewa baju resepsi untuk sepasang ditambahkan charge dari 1,5 juta-5 juta tergantung baju yang mana. JRENG-JRENG.

Oke fine, mungkin begini sanggar rias. Tapi pas fitting, baju-baju yang ada di Ratu Wedding cabang Rawamangun adalah yang jelek-jelek alias udah lama dengan harga sewa 1,5 juta - 3,5 jutaan. Bajunya pun ada yang bolong di bagian bahu. Tapi kalau mau baju yang bagus ada di Jati Asih, Bekasi. well, so far away.

Gw langsung kecewa. Baiklah akhirnya pulang dengan kesan buruk dari si Ratu Wedding.

Minat? http://www.ratuwedding.com/

2. Sanggar Ine Andriane

Sanggar kedua yang didatengin karena masih di Rawamangun. Ngga guna nelepon kontak yang ada di websitenya karena nggak ada yang ngangkat. Pas ke sana kan weekend karena emang punya waktu cuma weekend, tapi karena udah mau tutup, si mbaknya bilang kalau mau fitting baju jangan weekend karena baju pada keluar, jadi lebih baik dateng weekend tapi malem.

Fine, gw dateng lagi malem-malem, setelah janjian sama mbaknya untuk nungguin gw dateng jam 7. Toh mereka juga yang menyarankan dateng weekdays tapi malem. Setelah sampe sana, mbak-mbaknya udah jutek bgt. Padahal ada capeng lain juga.

Makein kebayanya juga asal banget, gw cuma dikasih daleman tanpa dipakai bustie. Gw sih maklum aja karena udah malem dia udah capek.

Aside dari juteknya si mbak dan pelayananya yang so-so. Si Ine ini bagus buat capeng dengan budget ngepas, karena dengan Rp 8.500.000, udah dapet banyak!
1. Rias pengantin untuk akad
2. Rias dan busana pengantin untuk respesi
3. Baju dan Rias 2 Ibu
4. Beskap 2 Bapak
5. Rias dan Baju  4 penerima tamu
6. Baju dan Rias 6 among wanita
7. Beskap 6 among laki-laki

Nah, lumayan kan? iya tapi sabar-sabar aja ya. Bajunya yg bagus-bagus cuma untuk ukuran S, sedangkan untuk kebaya lain menurut gw perpaduan warnanya ngga nyambung :(

Minat? http://ine-andriane.com/

3. Sanggar Hasina

Anticipated banget sama sanggar Hasina karena reviewnya yang bagus di weddingku.com, so sangat excited pas mau ke sana, walau sempet nyasar karena berada di komplek. Tapi cukup mudah ditemukan.

Begitu masuk sanggarnya, mata tertuju dengan kebaya silver pink. Jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama. Apalagi pas fitting mbaknya telaten banget dan alhamdulillah PAS! Baju-baju yang lain juga bagus payetannya dan warnanya ngga ada yang norak. Hasil riasnya juga ngga ada yang menor dan lebih penting adalah manglingin.

Lalu dijelaskan deh harganya.
Paket A Rp 7.500.000 :
1. Rias pengantin untuk akad
2. Rias dan busana pengantin untuk respesi
3. Kain dan Rias 2 Ibu
4. Beskap 2 Bapak
Paket B Rp 12.000.000
1. Rias pengantin untuk akad
2. Rias dan busana pengantin untuk respesi
3. Kain dan Rias 2 Ibu
4. Beskap 2 Bapak
5. Rias dan Baju  4 penerima tamu
6. Rias dan Kain 6 among wanita
7. Beskap 6 among laki-laki

Tapi sedih, karena katanya si silver pink incaran ini sudah di keep untuk tanggal 22 Juni, sedangkan resepsi aku tanggal 21 Juni. Jadi harus tunggu konfirmasi lagi :'(

Minat sama sanggar Hasina? Doi ngga ada website, datang langsung aja ke Jalan Sambiloto dalam No.5 (Masuk Via komplek Bulog Jln Hj Ten) Kayu Putih-Jakarta Timur. Pin BB: 234C449F

4. Sanggar Violetta
Sanggar ini bisa dibilang masih seumur jagung. Tapi kenapa gw review? karena doi punya satu baju respesi yang ngga dipunya sama sanggar-sanggar lain yaitu warna kebaya mint! wowow!  Pertama kali lihat di instagram, langsung naksir parah.

Besoknya langsung datengin ke Jatibening which is so far away. Karena udah kebelet banget dan suka banget. Ternyata sampai sana, sanggar dan rumah jadi satu, jadi anaknya si mbak gangguin..nangis pula. Jadi ngga enak sebagai customer. Pas fitting langsung oke dan pas, even sepatunya matching perfectly :')

Di sana baju resepsi yang lain so-so saja, mungkin karena baru, sedangkan baju untuk penerima tamu dan among juga biasa aja..model lama malah juga udah terlihat lusuh. Sedangkan untuk hasil rias, not recommended karena menor banget.

Padahal paket sanggar violetta hanya Rp 7.000.000 tetapi udah dapet paket sama dengan paket Hasina yang Rp 12.000.000 plus baju akad.
1. Rias dan baju pengantin untuk akad
2. Rias dan busana pengantin untuk respesi
3. Baju dan Rias 2 Ibu ( Baju dibuatkan yang baru)
4. Beskap 2 Bapak
5. Rias dan Baju  4 penerima tamu
6. Baju dan Rias 6 among wanita ( Baju dibuatkan yang baru)
7. Beskap 6 among laki-laki

Sedangkan untuk sewa baju kebaya mint ini sepasang Rp 2.000.0000 untuk resepsi, sedangkan kalau sewa untuk pre wedd bisa lebih murah lagi, tapi ngga nanya berapa :)

Serach aja instagram doi :)

5. RMVR (Roemah Manten Veni Rahman) 

Sanggar ini adalah sanggar terkahir yang gw datengin karena kakak ipar gw pake sanggar ini pas doi nikah. Pelayananya oke dan kantornya bagus serta adem. Sampai sana udah dijejerin baju-bajunya dan sayangnya cuma satu yang menarik hati waitu warna tosca pink.

Setelah dicoba, OMG! ngga cocok banget karena warnanya terlalu kontras, jadi ngga cocok buat orang pendek. Tile belakang yang firmed dan ngga jatoh bikin pinggul gede banget, FAILED lah gw pakai pakai kebaya ini (ada gambarnya di bawah)

Si RMVR ini memang udah terkenal yah, jadi dia ngebedain biaya rias. Kalau mbak Veni kena charge tambahan Rp 3.000.000, sedangkan kalau assistennya Rp 2.000.000.

Sewa baju akad di RMVR kena Rp 2.000.000 sepasang. Untuk paketannya bisa lihat imagenya.

Minat? http://klikvenirahman.com/

Oke you guys, sekian review kali ini, tunggu kabar kabari berikutnya yah :)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Hello February!

Dear all,

As many called it month of love, someone makes this month even more special for me. Yes, the one and only si Aa finally asked me something that makes my heart flutter! 

Long story short, Selama memikirkan preparation, gw kayanya udah rajin browsing dan ternyata postingan blog adalah media utama yang membantu gw dalam mencari informasi yang akurat dan jujur and i'll do the same. So, without further notice, let's embark the journey with the bride and groom.

Gw akan berusaha update apa aja yang gw tahu soal persiapan pernikahan untuk tahun 2014.

See you around! :) 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


my classmate, crazy georgian, Levan Kiknadze. may be one and only georgian i've ever met. 
Immanuel, he walked me home before he catch a bus :D 

Meredith and Eva, my flat mate, my life would be nitemare without them.

my besties, nicha, this girl is so smart, sweet and at the end of our trip, she converted to islam. 
Leo, Diogo, Me, Tina, Minako at our graduation ceremony

Saturday, June 15, 2013

a long time ago..

I still remember clearly what happened 5 years ago, i was sitting in living room sofa with my sisters watching tv, it was almost dark. I was still remember when the telephone ringing. me picked up the phone, someone said my dad involved in accident and the victim is injured and we called my dad phone and it was out of reach. we freaked out. we phoned the police and he said different thing. he said, please come to the office. it was very confusing, sad, full of hope and i barely can't feel my feet in the ground. my uncle drove me to the biggest police station and the officer said nothing about my dad. he did not know anything about the accident but he said there's one guy dead reported in another police station nearby.
i'm speechless. even the police officer said he didn't know who is the guy but, i'm so scared to the death. Then, we drove to other police station, along the way, i heard Adzan Maghrib and i prayed, i just want to hug my dad. i prayed till i cried even i didn't know who is the dead guy. all i knew is my dad was in his office. at the time i was arrived, i saw my dad car, parked in front of the station, once i was relieved and when i asked the officer, he said to me to sit down and he give me hot tea and he said the most heart broken word for a daddy lil girl. yes, my dad died that night. he got heart attack when he was in therapy. 

now, while writting this blog, my goal is not to share about my shabby or shallow story, my goal is, Allah is not always answer our prayer. he did not let me hug my dad. i remember that one of my pray also, i will do whatever my dad wanted, what he said what he direct, i'll do it. but yeah, life didn't give you want you want, he give you what you need. 

My dad passed away and my family is never be the same. i always envy my friend who still have their complete family. i'm more jealous if they close with their dad, because i don't have chance to be. i still need him to suggest me everything in my life, i still need him to be with me, i still need him to tell me what should i do, who i should marry, what kind of job is better for me? but no, he's not here anymore. he's out there. 

But, life is funny. 

I turned to enroll University with major my dad picked, i turned to love what he loved. i turned to learn language that he spoke. i become more like him and i'm so damn proud, i can stand still without him. me, who is very depending daddy lil girl. 

I graduated the exact same day last year, 15 June 2012, 4 years ago, this date is nightmare, but i've finished my thesis presentation and my lectures annouced my graduation at the same time. Life is so damn funny.

I did all of this not for him. but for me. i want and always be the daddy lil girl. i don't want to leave that title, i want part of my dad is always part of me. i just want to always be his daughter. That all i can do.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

1001 things living in Morocco

Hello there, do you still with me? well, another things to concern about living abroad is behaviour of the native. You know the feeling when you see foreign people in the street and you saw them from top to toe or just take a glance to them well in this case it will be reverse. Living abroad will give you another feeling at least being different or minority. But don't be afraid, time will heal. Now i'm going to tell you about a guide living in Rabat, Morocco.
1. Morocco people do not use Modern Standard Arabic in their daily life (so do all arabic countries) they prefer to use Darija, their own dialect language and French. You know english and fluent in english? forget it, no one will understand you except aiport attendance.
2.Composisition of religion in Morocco are Muslim 98.7%, Christian 1.1%, Jewish 0.2%. Even muslim is the majority, they are not extreme like in gulf countries, they are more open minded and copy paste all french culture. You're going to feel walking in Europe with arab face rather than being in islamic country.
3.Transportation in Morocco is good. Petit Taxi is surprisingly communal, not exclusive for one passenger even the price is reasonable. Grand Taxi is not recommended for foreign because well that old mercedes is creepy and many pickpocket inside however the price is cheap. Tram also good, but it require a lot of walking. Bus in the city is rarely to be found. Bus intercity called CTM (the national bus) is very recomended and safe, other bus company is also safe but not comfy. Train is more expensive than bus, but there is night train and very comfy for long distance travel.
4.About accomodation like housing. Actually Rabat is more expenisive than Casablanca. Especially area like Agdal, just like Kemang in Jakarta or Orchard Road in Singapore or between them, the thing is the appartment in Agdal is expensive but you can find cheaper appartement in Rabat in area called Khomro, near the bus station, well, they said its not safe but there's always price to pay.

Now for girls, why i have to write separately? arab man famous for their not so good behaviour toward woman, so this is tips from me.

During day lights there are many police around, so don't afraid. But during night, there are many boys hang out in the street looking from top to toe and saying something well not polite. How to avoid this kind of condition are

  • Do not wandering around alone in the night, especially after 9 pm.
  • Do not wear something revealing.
  • Do not smile to strangers, they will think you like them
  • Walk with strong and fierce face, its really works.
  • Even more wiser to avoid street full of boys
Actually, its not as hard as it looks like but still avoid harrasment and all the bad things to you by doing this tips will be very helpful.