Monday, August 30, 2010

first day at campus.

first day at my lovely-crowded faculty and so boriiiing!
unussually, i came late (08.30 peoplee!) and the lecturer just gave like 30 minutes introduction and left! haa. i've been guessing before :) and then i went to another class to join arabic speaking study and you know what! it was reararrange! whatttt!! at first i have 10.00-12.00 o'clock but my new schedule is 15.00-17.00!! OH GOD!!! WHAT THE HECK! so you know what i'm doing ? reading and sleeping in library,huu. what a long long dayyy!

talking and story telling time = gossiping!

But i have a superb dinner with my lovely classmate! and that was close my day happily added with new pair of sandals :)

well,we have to do this more often guys, hang out with all of you is fun! :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

break-fasting time!

Ramadhan bring togetherness, and it is true! yippie!
I met my english course gank in friday and my junior high besties, junior high people! haa! love them :) we never been able to meet since two years ago, aahrg! miss them a lot!

in friday had a dinner at Bumbu Desa Cikini with super spicy sambals and Es Cendol! :)

Atynia, me, Kiki and Icha

and for the first time for me,i went to Grand Indonesia in saturday and checked out F21 and little thing she needs,both of them so cute :) but didn't find cute ring and necklace.hee

Adot & Tasya, we called ourself : Threesome!
still forgot why we named it.

three of us using samsung touch, both of them samsung star and me corby! what a coinsidence!

Love them!
friendship since junior high, three of us passed a lot of things together,haa! i just wanna laugh while remembering all of ours stupidity.hee!
hope our friendship stays forever girls :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

today is fun and tiring, but its okay. today is my big sister graduation day 'university scale' and it was awesome!

Congrats Sist! :)

All picture,captured by : Ghulam M Nayazri.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


my new class schedule annoyed me and they wouldn't be able to fix the sites till the due date and i've got thrilled about this!! i need more credit to graduate 3 and half year!! God, I hate those schedule.
if they always clash one and another how could i choose those study and how could my academic advisor agree with my choice.grr!
i need to go to campus,soon!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

all day activities.

this week, i'm full with event i have to attend and yesterday was the first event i took a part, my sister graduation but it is just faculty graduation, not university scale, so not so big matter.

in the morning, i went to the Bank with my mom and spent one and half hours, sighhh. what a line!

after that, went to Mall Ambasador buy some clothes for the university gradution on Thursday, at first we want to buy Abaya, arab traditional dress but i don't feel them and we jumped to this boutique and found this lovelyyyy tunic and skirt!

but it wasn't the end of my day, i went to Depok accompany my sist and help her with photography and etc.

meet my friend with the same name, Amelia Edriani as a choir in Faculty of public health graduation ceremony.

and end up dinner in Hema :)

and i cannot wait to wear those clothes on Thursdayyy! :) hee :)
hope the graduation ceremony went well and this week i'm full of Ifthor Jama'i,you know, this Holy month is Ramadhan, i am muslim and i'm fasting so having dinner after magrib are waiting for! hee but i have two Ifthor Jama'i meeting in the weekend, can't wait too!

Happy Fasting all ;)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

mid night memories

enjoying my ice tea in the middle of the night and remembering my holiday almost over, thanks God. day by day was slow motion for me during this three month holiday. sigh ;(
maybe it was because i started the holiday with so much fun in Malang, Jogja and Bandung, so yeah the rest was hell :'(

the memories of Rihlah Ilmiah, unforgetable :)

did the match : University Indonesia VS University of Gadjah Mada
and we won!

well, i went to some places and still inside this lovely traffic jam town ever!
but it was not much, i like stay at home during the day and playing with my sister or if i have to go to somewhere, it has to be my sister school, i took my senior high sister goes to school every morning and pick up my junior high and elementary sisters with my mom in the afternoon.

attending wedding and end up in my auntie new house and took some pictures,hee :)
trying new Fro-yo in town, Miki-Yo with mangoes flavoured, definetly my favourite!

enjoying sushi with my english course friends and watceh inception, such a great movie!
and i hope, my holiday ended with beautiful Idul fitri :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010


i knew this word from my hobby when i was in senior high : reading english dictionary. what a weird hobby. but i kinda like it ;)
Nitty-Gritty, should be write like that, just a slang language and have a different meaning in every dictionary. so, here i found this meaning.




(the nitty-gritty) informal
  • the most important aspects or practical details of a subject or situation

what i tought is this new name could bring new spirit,ideas and inspiration, i hope so.
but the most important is this new name could bring me new behave, be my self :)
speak out loud about how i feel and dare to share a lot of simplest things here but still have a meaning and important :)

bye, Event Fun and hello Nitty-Gritty!


started lastnight when i was opening and found this

i never read a blog or what should i called, hmm tumblr,with so many expressive ideas,toughts and conversation. She, Ghina, who is juts 20 as me, is very funny.
She told me -literalilly- to dare to be your self, no matter how, just be your self, express what you feel, what you see,what you hear, and etc. Oh God, i can't stop reading her tumblr.
and after rading her tumblr, i'm feeling change my name blog, EVENT FUN isn't bad but not workin' for me, hehee.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

happy Ramadhan :)

hellow! that's text was the text i tagged to my friend in my facebook account. i don't want you know the english version cause it was too honest. hee.
and then i've got this announcement from and it was the official sites of UIYSEP 2010 i've been joinning with Dimas.

From the text above, they told me to do little internship. huaaa. i'm kinda nervous and don't know why,hee just searching all the possibilities company i could apply.hee :)

Just wish me luck okay!