Sunday, January 29, 2012


being single is something. i have to say, as a single after long term relationship, i have to say i'm tired and relieved. there's nothing wrong being single as long as you happy. single doesn't mean your lonely, doesn't mean your not pretty or the worst, nggak laku. in one edition of cita cinta magazine the editor wrote:

"single is one step of your life when a girl could gain something big in her life, focus on career, and achieve everything you want to"
Aquila Asia Magazine
so its the flipside and fortunatly,i'm thingking the same like the editor wrote, i'm single and i don't regret it, i still manage to have fine relationship with my ex so do i start to make new friends with others, there's no boundaries after all and i'm settle with that, less complain and dont care about other people life. I have bestfriends to hang out and sharing stories and in my last semester in college i want to focus working on my undergraduate thesis and spending time with my buddies but it doesn't mean i'm not mingle, but there's the limit for mingling too. i'm not gonna start mingle or respond to a boy who just broke up or not qualified with my type. as a girl we have to smart enough to choose our mate. that's all i want to say. since one nossy girl starting fire to me, i'm not gonna stand still and do nothing, after call the fire brigade, i'll make sure i shut her with tons of water first. *so happy that my undergraduate thesis proposal is done* Alhamdulillah.

term and condition

thru my almost 4 years college, i've been invited to attending my friends wedding, which is super weird for me, wedding while you still taking studies? well, year after year i try to understand. there r lot of reason why they are married and accept every term and condition they have, well that's a commitment while me still learning how to step on earth, some of my friends ready to jump to another life and it was awesome for me, to take that path of life isn't easy, you still young and yet experience-less but having courage to take someting beyond your average ages decision. i should say that i proud of them, i really do happy for them and blast their marriage.
eka's wedding
wafa's wedding
kak tara's wedding

kak rizky's wedding

towil and kak Gifa's wedding
Deli's wedding

Ainun's wedding
time goes on and i should say that, my wedding dress is better, i learn a lot from guest and adapt it to my own wardrobe. somehow if i don't feel like in the mood to dress up, i just wear jeans and kaftan, i know, its not appropriate to attend a wedding with jeans so i swear i won't do it and yeah, HAVE A HAPPY WEDDING!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


turn this:

with this:

 into this:
Ingridients:Bananas, Ceres Festive and Dips and Spread

its not as yumm as it look like, my mom said i pick the wrong type of bananas :(
I'm not a good wifey after all. i'm so sorry my future husband :(

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

brain nutrition

just attend Salihara discussion about "political islam in the middle east and indonesia" and found many interesting facts about it.

Salihara booklet and calendar events
1.Indonesia lebih punya banyak pengalaman berpolitik dibanding negara timur tengah
2.Indonesia yang mayoritas penduduknya islam tidak selalu memilih partai islam sebagai pemenang pemilu sedangkan setelah revolusi/arab springs ini penduduk timur tengah cenderung memilih partai islam ex:  kemenangan IM di Mesir.
3.Bila barat menginginkan demokrasi ada di Timur Tengah, maka yang berkuasa adalah partai islam (Anekdot Husni Mubarak) maka dari itu AS dan sekutunya membiarkan monarki berkembang di Timur Tengah, kalau partai islam berkuasa kepentingan-kepentinga AS disana bakal terancam.
4.Partai non agamis di Indonesia sekarang cenderung mengislamisasikan agenda-agenda mereka sehingga bisa menarik lebih banyak pendukung

Faisal Assegaf (Journalist)-Moderator-Luthfi Assyaukanie(Freedom Institute)
5.otherwise, partai agamis Indonesia cenderung menasionalisasikan agenda-agenda mereka juga untuk menarik lebih banyak pengunjung.
6.pada saat Ataturk menghapuskan sistem khilafah sekitar 1920-an, semua ulama-ulama islam di dunia geger dan mengadakan konfrensi dimana Indonesia juga diundang dan Indonesia tidak terlalu peduli dengan penggunaan sistem khilafah, jadi kalau sekarang aad aktivis-aktivis yang mengingkan kembali sistem khilafah. kata Pak Lutfhi Assyaukanie dari Freedom Institute "BASI" 

Adam,Latif,Bu Emma (my lecturer from UI),Sugi,me,Feny and Omen

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


have to say congratulation for my best friend graduation. he's my weird and nerd bestfriend since higschool, back then, they were three of us, called 'keiiyong' Me, Ahda and Tegar, somehow we still catch up until we are in college, actually three of us got into same university but Ahda got scholarship to SNU so he left us :( anyway, this post is dedicated to Tegar :) 

1st grade of highschool
1st semester in college
also, the 1st semester
And finally, my keiiyong graduated with A in his undergraduate thesis, proud of him! welcome to new chapter of life,keep amazing and close!

faculty of law, today!

Monday, January 23, 2012

don't stop believing

"money come and go, we all know that! the most important thing in life will always be people in this room, right here, right now"
Dominic Toreto. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012


peluang usaha magazine, December 2011 edition

Not every succsessful story being told is true story, somehow, i'm confused and in long pause of life. i was standing still and nowhere to go between intersection. i have so much options but don't know which one to choose. I really enjoy my self being an enterperenur, i really do love and exciting when i saw people use my brand, but i also love to take master and study arabic deeper, somehow it is crazy. i really hope that, it might be wrong or right, God still guide me. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

IBF 2012

joinning an event is my favourite activities during college, since now i'm older and no longer available to join events in campus, i took event outside campus during writing my undergraduate thesis and i recomemmended you to join:

click to see the requirments
Islamic bookfair 2012 is annual event and this year is the 11th of Islamic bookfair (IBF)! i merely joinning this event to experience more (need to fluent in arabic and english is a bonus, yey!) and ofcourse, to pay my undergraduate thesis needs. so, if you have freetime on 9-18 March 2012, feel free to join this internasional event and Maher Zein is coming to entertain the visitors! well, thats a superb bonus!
anyway, driving from Kelapa Gading to Tebet on Friday evening is such a tiring job, gotta take a bath and examine some journals! 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ethnic Cleansing

my desk is very messy (gotta have some cleaning to do)
last semester i took International relation class in faculty of politic and social about Middle east and african studies, form the lecturer i've wider knowledge about middle east so do the problem and the solution and voila, i've got my undergraduate thesis about ethnic cleansing. since the deadline is February 13th i'm running as fast as i am to catch the deadline on time (typing this post in iMac lab in my uni) have lots of reading to do and typing later. gotta have some support, courage, time management and prayer to keep the mood balance, actually i was sleepy while reading some journals now and decide to write my new blog! yeeeyy! but still, i really need strategy to finish it on time beside i have to prepare AYLE in early february! WOAAAHHH!! life is keeping rolling guysss. keep the spirit sparks!

aseanpreneurs 2012

Aseanpreneurs Youth Leaders Exchange 2012 is annual event held by NUS (National University of Singapore) Entrepreneurs society. this year, AYLE back in Singapore and selected 70 youth from 10 ASEAN countries. sayangnya, appilcation already closed, tapi Indonesia got 12 selected delegates to represent Indonesia and makes presentation about Indonesia economy and culture. The event it self start from February 14th-19th in NUS. Gonna love and can't wait the excitement! 

Hi Blogger!

It has been forever kayanya nggak ngeblog! promise to my self to more often do the blogwalking and post more story. I miss blogging so much, somehow it was replace with tumblr, but i don't know, it didn't feel the same. so, i'm coming back! :) gonna share lot story here!